All solicitors in the Village of Spring Grove must register with the Village Office and must carry a valid certificate with them at all times.  All residents are encouraged to positively identify solicitors and ask them to present their certificate which contains their solicitor number.  

Be aware of the following signs of a potential scam:

  • Salespersons with no local connections who offer to do home repair work.

  • Solicitations for repair work from a company that lists only a telephone number or a post office box number to contact, particularly if it is an out-of-state company.

  • Contractors who fail to provide customers references when requested.

  • Do not admit anyone into your home unless he or she can present authentic identification establishing his or her business status. When in doubt, do not hesitate to call the worker’s employer to verify his or her identity.

  • Contractors who demand cash payment for a job or ask you to make a check payable to a person other than the owner or company name.

  • Offers from a contractor to drive you to the bank to withdraw funds to pay for the work.

if it sounds too good to be true it is likely a scam.

All solicitors must check in with the Village of Spring Grove.  Call the Village at 815-675-2121 to verify the solicitor has permission to be in the area.  After hours, contact 815-338-2144 to report any suspicious person(s).